The Colombian child was captured by the notorious Venezuelan gang "Tren de Aragua" on the border of Venezuela, the most powerful Venezuelan gang spreading its tentacles into surrounding countries. Shortly after, a lead investigator for Colombia's DIPRO division of the Colombian National Police responsible for human trafficking investigations reached out to Children's International Rescue Foundation for assistance. The child had been moved to Peru, was given a false Venezuelan ID card and was being trafficked out of several clubs. Through investigative techniques and collaboration with the Peruvian National Police the child was located and a raid conducted taking several gang members into custody and rescuing the child along with another minor. CIRF will continue to assist with the repatriation process and aftercare needs of the family, thanks to your generous contributions. Watch for updates on this important transnational child trafficking case. We continue to fight and search for missing children.
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At Children’s International Rescue Foundation we believe that all children, regardless of their background, have the potential to lead successful, fulfilling lives. We are committed to providing the resources and support necessary to help children overcome the challenges they face. Through our programs and services, we seek to empower children and give them a chance to achieve their dreams and aspirations. Join us in our mission to make a difference in the lives of children around the world.
Children's International
Rescue Foundation
8977 S 1300 W Unit 413
West Jordan, Utah, 84088
EIN: 86-1887096
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EIN: 86-1887096
Children's International Rescue Foundation is a registered 501c3 in Utah.
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